Page 96 - YB1947
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L"II 10 Righl-My""_ W"bb, E. Clork, Dovi ... , S. J. Morris, Co"<>n, Collerd, Hersh/ .. ld, Bortl ..y, Woif.heimer, Go"uch, Houck, H. DC9gett, From the first embryonic plans till the final the Aloha staff to represent these aspects of col- proofs arrive, putting out 0 yearbook involves in- lege life for the student body. numerable deadlines, photographic schedules, It is also the desire of the stoff to present those conferences with the printer and engraver, ond people with whom the student associates closely yard and yards of copy. Out of the hours of work, and who ploys an important part in his college and the successes and disappointments should life-fellow students, members of the faculty, and emerge a record in pictures of a four-year period the college stoff and administration. As a student publication the Aloha desires to represent the stu- in a student's life. For four years he eats, sleeps, studies, works, dent body honestly and sincerely. plays, and loafs on the Hill and it is the desire of 92
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