Page 95 - YB1947
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fronl Row~Silvey, J. Dogget. /luck Row~Begli~, S. Dixo~, S~yder, Huhn, ChuUerton. President EMAJANE HAHN Most of this year's activities have been in con- Vice-president SHIRLEY SNYDER junction with the Men's Student Government. Secretary PAT CHATTERTON Together, we have planned Saturday night dances Treasurer SUE DIXON and informal get-togethers; we have sponsored a benefit movie to help raise money for the "appre- The Women's Student Government Association ciation banquet" which we gave for the football is the representative council of the women students teams; and have done our best to foster better here on the Hill. It is organized to govern, to pro- understanding between the faculty and students. mote harmony between students and faculty and We have carried out our duties as the lawmakers to encourage the high standards of conduct be- of W. M. C. by making new laws when needed, coming a college adult. Handbooks for freshman and seeing that they were enforced. The climax women are prepared and distributed every year of our busy year was the May Day celebration to during orientation week, and a program of special "get acquainted" activities is planned to help Ic, which we devoted extensive planning. cilltcte that first vital adjustment to college life. The Student Government's work for the benefit Upperclassmen are asked to return early and as- of the student body and the entire college com- sist in this program. munity. 91
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