Page 117 - YB1947
P. 117
front Row-C~lod, Woif.heimer, O'Keefe, Volk, Pi,ocono. Sock Row-J. Elliot, Price, Carler, Zeigler. The Inter-fraternity Council is similar in member- abide by the decision of the Council on all matters. ship and function to the girls' Inter-sorority Coun- During the spring the Interfraternity Council cil. Each club is represented by two members- representing the four fraternities and the Inter- usually the president and one member elected sorority Council, representing the four girls' clubs from the fraternity. combined their efforts to present the semi-formal Meeting at regular intervals the Council set up Pan-Hellenic Donee. This dance wos held in April regulations concerning rushing, smokers, bidding, and the clever decorations and smooth music of etc. They also settle any problems which may the orchestra drew a large crowd of club mem- arise among the fraternities. The clubs agree to bers, their guests and off-campus couples. 113
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