Page 115 - YB1947
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Two students came rushinq out of the biology darkroom toward the window end stood blinkil"lg at the film which was still dripping with "hypo". This is becoming a frequent scene since the Com- era Club has hod as its moin obiectives how 10 toke interesting snapshots, how to develop neqo - tives end how to tint the finished photograph. The club hod as one of its projects this fall the making of personalized Christmas cords. Over 1,500 of these cords were mode and sold by memo bers of the Camera Club. From Jal"luary to May, meeting once a month, the club presented lectures and illustrated slides, which included how to toke good snaps, how to "In Ihe Darkroom" develop YOUt own film and composition in photog· raphy. These lectures along with actual practice enabled all interested people to cultivate a fascin- ating hobby. President NORMA KEIGLER Many pictures in the Aloha are the work of the Vice.president JESSE MYERS Camero Club members, whose cameros range Secretory DOROTHY SCOTT from the inexpensive box type to expensive speed graphics. Treasurer MARGARET RUPPENTHAL fronl Row-Buderer, Amo', Gamber, Coole, Rilter. Second Row-Culotto, Gorsuch, Ruppenthol, D. Scott, Keigler, J. Myer>, Clo,k, Webb. /lock Row-Steele, Toylor, Jacob,on, Eck. Patton, Simmons, Clork, Daughtrey, Wool,ton, Silcox, Clement, Hillyard. 111
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