Page 112 - YB1947
P. 112
cuss ion of the problems which face the student President WILLIAM MERRIMAN planning to enter full-time Christian service were Vice-president WILLIAM COOK held in Baker Chapel. Secretary JACK AMMON Numerous groups were sent to conduct services in and around Westminster, Baltimore, and Wash- The Wesleyans, now in their fifth yeor of official ington, to give experience to students in postoral existence, is a fellowship of undergraduate men work. Even during the summer vacation months who plan to enter the ministry or some other some of these projects were continued. The recre- Christian vocation. Their number was consider- ational aspect of the program has not been neg- ably augmented this year and they have steadily leered either-parties held in collaboration with carried on with the full program of activities which the Wesleyanettes, and the annual bcnquer left was inaugurated in the second semester of 1946. pleasant memories. Weekly meetings of worship, Bible study, and dis- Professor John B. Jones is the group's adviser. Fron' Row-Knowle., Ammon, Cook, Merrimon, Meredith. Doggelt, Cowon, G. Groby, Ogden. 108
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