Page 122 - YB1947
P. 122
MARIAN STOFFREGEN Secrelary SHIRLEY SNYDER JANICE DIVERS Presidenl MARIAN STOFFREGEN Vice·pre.ident Secretory Lee Beglin Morion Stoffregen As we give our clubroom a final inspection be- Did you save any napkins from the freshman fore locking the door on '46 and '47, we find rush teo in February? My gosh-another pipe many pleasant memories stored away. I believe from the "Hobo Hitch"! that's a can of point left from our cleaning and Here's a menu from the farewell banquet in pointing spree after we came bock. Remember May-the year passed quickly. We'll miss the how the place reeked of turpentine for days? seniors-they've done much to make us proud of There are the ccceptonce notes from our thirty- Phi Alpha Mu. two new members-and a "purple cow" from ini- Got the key? Guess we'd better loek up. We're tiation. Here are the Christmas decorations. teaving a tot of happiness in there. Wasn't our party a riot? Sixty of us in our small clubroom! fronl Row-Snyder, B. Powell, Beglin, Coll ..,d Bock Row-Divers, Stoffregen. "8
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