Page 116 - YB1947
P. 116
Fran' Row-C. Royer, Stoffregen, L. John.on. Second Row-Peo"on, Doggett, Wheeler, Beglin, Milhollond. Bock Row- K. Brown, Schmidt, Murroy, Gordy. The Intersorority Council promotes friendliness the awarding of the scholarship cup to the sorority and good spirit on the Hill and arbitrates on mat- with the highest scholastic standing. The cup is ters of interc!ub interest. presented by Dr. Holloway to the sponsor of the The president, vice-president and one or two winning club. This year lata Gamma Chi had representatives of each club are members of this possession of the cup. organization. Offices in the council rotate yearly. Cooperating with the Interfraternity Council, this Each sorority observes the regulations set up by organization also sponsored the Pan-Hellenic the council concerning bidding and rush teas and parties. The council also sets the dote for each Dance in April. Gill Gym was beautifully decor- sorority's spring tea and rush party. ated for the couples who danced to the smooth An attempt to encourage conscientious work is music of the orchestra. 112
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