Page 113 - YB1947
P. 113
fron' Row-Fuss, Auld, Inmon, Ferri,_ Second Row-Child., Hmkin, Mrs. Bertholf, Yomaguchi, v. Dodd, Eney, Libiā€¢. Row-Ave", M. Sand., D. AnderSon, D. Stott, Stoller, Rowan, M. Dodd, Clement, D_ John.on, 8. Dodd. President SHIZU YAMAGUCHI Vice-president VIRGINIA DODD From a small group of seven girls who planned Secretary-treasurer IRMA ENEY to devote their lives to missionary work, the Wes- leyanettes has become on active and growing or- qcnizotlon and has extended its membership to "The Quilting Party" include girls interested in any phose of Christian work-whether it be teaching, medicine, music or social work. The Wesleyanettes presented special services at the Home for the Aged in Westminster; in conjunc- tion with the Wes\eyans, they sponsored the three- hour Good Friday service on the Hill, "The Seven lost Words from the Cross". In their meetings, the Wesleyonettes have been studying foreign and home mission work, with the oid of numerous outside speakers. They also look- ed into the possibilities of summer work such as caravaning and similar fields of Christian service. At the some time the girls made and quilted by hand a large quilt, 76x99 inches, which they sent to a needy family in Denmark, 109
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