Page 110 - YB1947
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Fronl Row-libi" Hillyard, Keiser, Hopkins, Vansonl, Fronklin, Eney. Second Row-Brewington, Frizzell, lavin, Cowan. Todd, Mauden, Webb. Sack Row-Netlle,hip, CuloHa, Gordy, Higgins, Haines, Von Bornemonn, Biser, Hamme"la, Barne., H. Holi. Blaney, Travis, Burgee, J. Smilh. M. Cole. President WAYNE COWAN ferences at other colleges and universities throuqh, Vice.president MARY ELIZABETH TODD out the state, discussing U. S. foreign relations Secretory-treasurer HELEN LAVIN and the place our nation should assume in the formation of world peace. Working with the thought in mind thot our re- The club's bi-monthly programs were devoted turning veterans were actively interested in the to panel discussions with student veterans speak- peace for which they had striven, the International ing from experience, outside speakers, and the Relations Club had one of its most successful showing of movies. Among topics discussed were years. Russia, India, the Japanese war crimes trials, and Instead of the White Elephant Dance, the I.R.C. Ihe U. N. O. sponsored the Gridiron Hop on November 23, pro- The purpose af the I. R. C. is 10 instruct and viding an appropriate closing for the football enlighten public opinion-to point out the under- lying principles of internatianal conduct, law, and Delegates from the club attended regional con- organization necessary far a world peace. 106
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