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Sealed; V. Dodd. Counselor; E. Lamadrid. Boys' Vice-President; V. Pmts. President; W. Cowan. Secretary; M. West. Girls' Vice·President. Standing: H. Lewis. Counselor; J. Dorsey. Counselor. Holding as its highest purpose the en- leading and speaking before the student richment of the spiritual life of the student. and faculty congregation. The Sunday the William G. Baker Sunday School, School offers a unique opportunity for through inspiring worship services and in- leadership, organization and devotional aid formative talks by both outside and stu- to all members of the student body, re- dent speakers, has been an active agency gardless of their creeds. in forming and expressing Christian ideals In cooperation with the Student Chris- on the Hill. tian Association, the Sunday School this The weekly service is held in Baker year has placed special emphasis on Bible Chapel each Sunday morning at nine-fif- study. Student talks on the life of Jesus teen with a special volunteer choir, led and messages by faculty members on the by a student director, providing devotional parables, the Bible as literature, and other music for each program. Students who phases of the Scriptures, have made pos- are actively interested in "finding God on sible a wider understanding of Biblical the campus" and helping others to realize teachings and their applications to modern this aim of the organization, take part in life. 74
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