Page 73 - YB1943
P. 73
PI ALPHA ALPHA PI ALPHA ALPHA FRATERNITY, proud On into the winter we went, bidding good- to be the first fraternity to make its appearance bye to many members who entered tbe service. on the hill, this year celebrates the twentieth At the banquet which we help at the Kara-Be! anniversary of its founding. With its ideals of Inn, Viron Diefenbach, Bob Grumbine, Bill spiritual approach to living and its proud up- Potts. George Norman. Jack Alexander, Frank holdings of the traditions of Western Maryland Ziegler. and Emory Chesley were witb LIS for College. Pi Alpha Alpha looks toward the un- the last time. Bert Jones left at February certainty of the coming year with confidence. graduation to be Western Maryland's first 1943 both in its tradition and in the tradition of graduate to enter Officers' Candidate School at fraternity life within the college, and feels that it will carryon despite the anticipated incon- Fort Benning, Georgia, veniences of the year. The most heart-breaking event of the year Pledging season and the fall rushing has was the Black and White loss of the final game always been a course of plain unqualified amuse- for the inter-fraternity basketball championship. ment on the part of the fraternity members. and The game, played before an audience of over indeed the entire college. except the freshmen. one thousand people, was concluded only after who take it in dead seriousness despite the fact an overtime period had been played. Delta Pi that they enjoy it tremendously. The rush Alpha won by the score of 2\-20. season began with an unusual note-a real Looking back over the year 1942-43 we feel honest-to-goodness Monte-Carlo part y. Of happy that it has been one of our best, despite course. we were careful to see that it was not the intervening band of Mars. We've had a taken seriousl y-c-counrerfeit money was used- good time in the fraternity and the brotherhood. but the excitement was real as the freshmen what it has meant to will be more than a tried their luck at various games of chance- LIS memory that we will carry with us wherever we vieing for a ticket to the Military Ball and for door prizes of four tickets to tbe Carroll theatre go, If war forces the suspension of fraternities -c-enough for two shows with a date each rime. next year we intend that Pi Alpha Alpha shall The evening was topped off by the singing of not die, but shall. in better times, resume its college songs and the drinking of cider, which, life and carry forward its proud traditions as through an error in shipment, was somewhat way of life and carry forward its proud tradi- more than soft. tions as long as the college shall last. 69
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