Page 74 - YB1943
P. 74
DELH SICM~ KAPP~ TRANSITION change. Keywords of the club-room had the same old spirit of good world affairs in 1942-43. These words became will. Transportation difficulties made the tra- equally appliable to Delta Sigma Kappa's 19th ditional Baltimore party impossible, but we held year of existence. a combination birthday and Baltimore party in Autumn. 1942 we Delts returned to the Westminster. The dinner and movie down- Hill expecting changes in our sorority, as well town were turned into a gala occasion by the as in our personal lives. We knew that the veil gay spirits of the members. Who wanted to of ignorance which had before enabled us to go to Baltimore. anyway? Freshman rush tea. avoid looking squarely at fundamental up- inter-sorority tea dance. a Sunday afternoon tea. heavals in the world could never again cloud Pan-Hellenic dance followed one another in our vision This was the post-Pearl Harbor rapid succession. each modified in some manner period. New activities occupied our leisure to meet new situations. Then the senior fare- hours. We knitted for the soldiers and Red well banquet-to the seniors-the club became Crass. we rolled surgical bandages. we sold war a memory-vital, timeless. bonds and stamps, we gave blood to the Red The changes brought about by world con- Cross bank, we said boodb ye to the boys called ditions affected Our sorority life in many ways. into service and kept our promises to write often. But by far the most personal and deeply felt Wil1ingly we did these things. and felc that ours change came with the loss of our mater. Mrs. was only toO small a contr-ibution George S. Wills. Her personality is integrally Delta Sigma Kappa's traditional social calen- bound to Delta Sigma Kappa. Under her lead- dar, for years faithfully followed. felt the reper- ership and direction the club was founded in cussions of international events. Bidding and 1924. Although she found it necessary to retire initiation was, as always. tense. hilarious, now from active sponsorship in 19}6, her influence and then deeply solemn; but there was a les- was ever with us. At this time Miss Wilsie sened degree of boisterousness-a more thought- Adkins became our active sponsor-hers. too, ful appreciation of old and new fellowships. has been an inspired leadership. Homecoming brought back our alumni. many of The ideals with which Mater Wills instilled them newly engaged or married to men in uni- the sorority in its formative years always have form. Club members were delighted at the guided and directed our activities. sometimes so constant stream of candy which flowed in from subtley that we scarcely were aware of them. the matrimonally inclined alumni. and wished The dignity and beauty of her life will never them well. Even without the home-made cease to be an example to Delta Sigma Kappa- delicacies at former feasts. Christmas parties in this we pledge. 70
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