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DHU PI ALPHA SEPTEMBER, 1942, saw the men of Delta the annual banquet was held at the Charles Car- Pi Alpha wending their way back to the Hill roll Hotel on January 26, where fried chicken, slightly depreciated in numbers as a result of Dr. Earp's jokes, and speeches by the seniors graduation and withdrawals, but nevertbelcss. blended together to provide enjoyment for all anticipating a year of continued success and good present. fellowsbip. Under the guidance of Delta Lee Athletically, rhe Preachers continued their Lodge. the Preachers enjoyed a very prosperous winning habits with a basketball team which. first semester, getting away to a flying start with although severely depleted by graduation and a championship touch football team which, the call of the army, nevertheless found the under the direction of Joe Workman, extended necessary spirit to come from behind to emerge its streak of consecutive victories to a total of victorious in a bitterly contested play-off en- thirty-five. a notable record from any viewpoint counter. The volleyball and handball teams November arrived, and with it, the annual added to the athletic crowns, as a veteran aggre- Preacher smoker. Liberal refreshments. movies galion of players easily rolled over all opposition. shown by Professor Raver, and entertainment afforded by the inimitable Bo Baugher com- As its contribution to the social life of tbe pre- on bined to make this one of the best smokers in college, the Delta last Pi Alpha, fraternity February dances, 15, with sented of the the fraternity's history and an unqualified suc- an unexpectedly large crowd dancing to the cess in the opinion of all. strains of the music of Joe Stephens and his Christmas vacation followed: and bids were orchestra in Blanche Ward Gym, attractively issued to freshmen. twenty-three of whom ac- decorated with ferns and flags. cepted, to swell the membership to a total of fifty-two men, a new high. This is regarded Although the great majority of the present by many of the members as the year's outstand- members of Delta Pi Alpha will find it impos- ing achievement: for these new men have sible to return to Western Maryland next fall. proved themselves to be true Preachers and have they are eagerly awaiting that day beyond the added immeasurably to the fraternal spirit of "duration" when they may return to the carnpns the group. and once more be active Preachers; and those [n order to enable members who expected to who are graduating will not readily forget their leave before the end of the school year to attend, membership in Delta Pi Alpha. IIII 65
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