Page 70 - YB1943
P. 70
GAMMA BETA CHI IN THIS momentous year of world history. This semester saw the loss of nine brothers to Gamma Beta Chi had its share of events. the colors. Brothers Elliott. Hall. Volkarr. Brother Wiesand. as Chi with Brothers Moore Foust. Langral1. Connellcc. Harris, Naef and and Friedel as his left and right hand man. led Baker. For this we were proud and our the club through a semester crammed full of ath- thoughts went with them to speed the day of letics, meetings and social events. Where 'va their safe return. headed?" was invariably answered by "Down Gamma Beta Chi. in the National interest to the club," and that was invariably followed made the theme of its dance the "March of by a tussle for the morning's paper. Not all Dimes" and gave its contribution to the Presi- was play. however. Gamma Beta Chi has dent's Fund to fight infantile paralysis. Then always felt the need of closer cooperation with too. we voted one hundred pet cent for partici- other organizations through the Interfraternity pation in the Red Cross blood-donor project- Council and has tried to function in harmony this for the country as well as for these we know and understanding with the College as a whole. wbo are fighting and may need our help. Rushing season came very early and the Success in fraternity is success in fellowship results were the bidding and acceptance into the and understanding-a close tie between mem- fraternity of a number of likely freshmen, some bers of an organization conceived in the spirit of of whom are, however, already serving their friendship. Since this is so we must think of country in the armed forces. Rushing season is losing our senior members and how we remem- a good time to know everyone and smokers help. ber them. Who could forget: Hall's laugh and Movies. recordings of local talent, music by "Jackie"? Friedel's plea for dues and that Brothers Williams, Elliott and Pisacano and coupe? Elliott's boogie and flick of the eye- food did a lot in one everting. Plus all this Dr. glasses? Moore's major insignia and Econom- Whitfield told a story or so in his "just a" ics? Whiteford's psych. books and receeding inimitable fashion accompanied by a facile tech- hair-line? Williams' trumpet and week-ends in nique of gulping down one whole cup take Frederick? Wicsand's violin and wit? Lavin's without batting an eye. "Hey, hey, what say?" and grin a mile long? Second semester elections brought Brother Probably none of us could or wants to because Hall in as Chi. but no sooner this acclaim than they symbolize the value of four years of happy the Army Air Corps demanded his presence experience which will enable us to face the years leaving Brother Lavin as Chi. Brother White- ahead with memories of Gamma Beta Chi and ford as Gamma and Brother Friedel as Beta. a determination for the future. 66
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