Page 64 - YB1943
P. 64
PAN-HELLENIC DANCE The Pan-Hellenic Dance was the last big dance of the year and perhaps the last Pan-Hell Dance foe a number of years. That was what the fraternities and sororities bad in mind when they began their plans. They decided to give one last. all-Due fling before seriously getting down to the work at hand. and they were determined to make it a success. There could be no elaborate programs and decorations, but this was overcome by hitting a new high in dance bands. This is the one time during the year that the various factions on the "Hill" can forget their petty differences and unite for their common good and their common enjoyment. And so the Phi Alphs. the Sigmas. the Gamma Chis, the Del ts. the Gamma Bets, the Black and Whites, the Bachelors and the Preachers got together and did themselves proud. Gill Gym. $2.50 nice programs .. the inevitable receiving line and. finally. dancing to the widely acclaimed rhythms of Wayne Milton and his P.M.C. Grenadiers. A swell band to make a swell dance. At intermission, rhc lovely and charming May Queen, Miss Peggy Wilson. presented with her equally deleClable court. made a pretty picture in all her finery. The Queen began the dancing and the band played on. There was more dancing until finally the lights were dimmed and the music faded as couples gradual! y drifted from the floor. Thus ended another Pan-Hellenic Dance; but the memory lingers on. 60
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