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PAN-HELLENIC COUNCIL INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL INTlR-SORORITY COUNCIL To form a more perfect union, promote a Acting as a coordinating body between the greater spirit of cooperation, and maintain a sororities on the "Hill" the l nrcr-Sorotit y higher standard of inter-fraternal relations on Council is comprised of the presidents of the the campus, arc the aims of the Inter-Fraternity different organizations plus two undcrclass Council. representatives from each sorority. The main The Council consists of two representatives task of the Council is to arbitrate and advise on and the highest ranking officer from each frater- matters of inter-club interest. nity. The officers of the Council this year are: The officers of the council are not elected but Harry D. Gruel. chairman; Lee Lodge. vice- they move up to the presidency in a planned chairman: Ridgely Friedel. secretary; and succession. This year the presidency was held Thomas Lavin. treasurer. The other represen- by the presidents of Delta Sigma Kappa. For tatives are: Benjamin Smith, Richard Shuck. the first semester. therefore. Marie Steele headed Thomas Price. Vernon Wiesand. William the Council. and for the second semester. Mary Baylies. Fred Kullmar. Arthur O'Keefe. Viron Francis Hawkins was president. Dieffenbach. and Harry Yingling. In addition to supervising rushing, initiation Each year the Council conducts the rushing and other matters of club interest, the Council period of prospective members to the fraterni- also sponsors some social activities to promote ties. Dates for the various club "smokers" are friendliness between the clubs. This year the announced and time limits are set for initiations. Inter-Sorority Council sponsored a Tea Dance. This year the Council agreed to limit the initia- which was held in February in McDaniel tion of all pledges. Most of the initiation was Lounge. privately carried on in the dub rooms due to It also cooperated with the Inter-Fratcmiry war-time conditions Council to produce the Pan-Hellenic Dance. T'he Council apportions among the various The two councils- comprise the Pan-Hellenic fraternities the date for each fraternity dance. It also joins with the Inter-Sorority Council in Council and produce the dance as their main function of the year. promoting the Pan-Hellenic Dance. Each semester the Council presents a cup to This year the Inter-Sorority council extended the fraternity which has attained the highest an invitation of membership to the J.G.c. In scholastic average during the preceding semester. other years, the J.G.C. preferred not to join the This cup was presented to the Council by Pro- Council. for it did not wish to assume Greek fessor Frank B. Hurt to be awarded to tbe letters. As the oldest secret organization on the fraternity with the highest average. "Hill", it previously preferred to keep to itself. The Inter-Fraternity Council is also repre- This year, however. after frequent discussions sented in the U.R.A.C. and in various faculty- and the making of weighty decisions. the J.G.c. student committees. It has always functioned joined the Inter-Sorority Council and assumed in the closest accord with these various groups the Greek name of Iota Gamma Chi. At and is always interested in the welfare of the present. therefore. there are four sororities and college. an equal number of fraternities on the campus. 61
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