Page 109 - YB1943
P. 109
SOFTRALL TENNIS To the tune of "Take me out to the ball Under blue skies, one seldom sees an empty tennis court These courts are open to all game'. the lassies made for the softball field students, both men and women, but it is the Although stimulated by the sunny days and goal of the women's physical education depart- green grass, the girls got off to a quiet start. ment to instill inro the girls the idea of playing The season of 1942 had been quite exciting as for the enjoyment of the game rather than the gals of '43 copped the championship for the always playing to win. third consccuctvc time. This year [he seniors As the boys defend W. M. C. on the courts, were out to win again and hoped that "Rout- the girls win commence their interclass tennis son's Rough and Readies" would prove tOO tourney Each year a cup is awarded to the much for the other teams. However, the under- college winner. Last year's class winners were classmen were determined to take this honor June Lippy '42. Virginia Crusius '43, Helen away from the '43cr5. so interesting games were Hemminghaus '44, and Gale Lodge '45. The looked forward to. The strength of the favored freshman showed her skill and endurance by team lies in the batting ability of Routson. defeating Virginia Crus ius in the finals. Thus Kittner, Steele. Schrt. Hoke and Cade. Good we hail Miss Gale Lodge as the champion. Each fielding is also to their advantage. of the class winners received a bronze statuette. SOFTBALL CHAMPS TENNIS FINALISTS Slam/illg: Lodge, Davis, Crusius. Sittln.g : Standillg: Bentley, Crusius, Sowter, Steele, Sehrt, Routson, Kittner. Sitti11g: Reeves, Cade, Steele, Rovecamp Hoke 105
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