Page 86 - YB1942
P. 86
OFFICERS Dc!la ROYCE GIBSON JOHN DOENGES ViCl·~Dclfa JOHN DOENGES LEE LOPGE Beta CLAIIENCE MC\'\i'ILLlAMS Ailiba BENJAMIN SMITH Gdllllllli IOHN RI\\\:ILlNS RICHi\RI) P,\TTEN FRED KULLMAR SPOII,lOr DR. jl\1\IES P. E.i\RI' DELTA PI ALPHA FALL, 1941 It is increasingly harder to keep the minds of the brothers on pledge voting with new The men of Delta Pi Alpha return once furniture to sit on, and a new radio victrola more to their club room on the hill and to bring the news and swing of the day. the brotherhood of men is again intact. Christmas holidays supply a welcome break Gone are rhe faces of Robinson, Eaw, and in rhe year. Ryan; bur in their stead come other re- On return co the hill, the initiation sponsible seniors to continue their work. of pledges, Conley, Jones, Ensor, Richard- Royce Gibson, first semester Delta, per- son, Miller, lewis, Chlad, Larrimore, Ste- forms admirably with the "whatever and phens, and Wimbrow holds the scene. Bas- whenever" help of Jack Doenges, capable ketball takes the mind momentarily off the vice-Delta. war driving on in Asia; but when the new In football the Purple and Gold's "In- semester begins, Thomas, Ensor, and Rich- firmary Eight," under the guiding hand of ardson, leave to do their bit for Uncle Sam. Nemo Robinson, succeeds in stretching the Doenges replaces Gibson as second semester unbroken string of wins to twenty-eight. "prexy" as lodge accepts the chair of vice- Homecoming and the [rnrer-nit y dance Delta. follow. The music of the Townsmen coupled with the decorative genius of Mar- SPKING, 1942 vin Evans, revealed in a billowy crepe paper March brings with it the heaviest snow ceiling, give Delta Pi Alpha a chance to in fifty years and the volleyball title. "No demonstrate to the Alumni that the aims spring vacation" brings the war effort closer of the Preachers arc social as well as athletic. still to home, but a wet and dreary April The smoker dominates the scene as the quickly comes and brings with it the sad weather grows cooler and the freshmen realization that school is nearly over. grow more accustomed to life on the hill. \o/e say farewell to our seniors: Doenges, off to Medical School; Gibson and Ed Lewis WINTER, 1941-42 to the Army; and Myers into the ministry. Comes Pearl Harbor, and America enters \'V'hercver these seniors are in years to corne, the world conflict. Life on the campus' is they will remember that there will always disrupted as the stimulus for enlistment in be a hand of welcome for them at Delta Pi the armed forces spreads. Alpha.
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