Page 84 - YB1942
P. 84
OFFICERS Alf!bll Flti\NK T.ยท,,\IlUTTON \fiN-Alilba PAUL MYE,\S GUIIII/Jil ADIlISON .J. BEANE WILBUR KmD TIIJI IvluNllOE TO\'('NSENIJ C/Jllf!/aill EDWAIIl> Tr-IOJ\'AS Sergeal/t-llt-Anlls FREDEltlCK liOHN Spo/lsor MIl. FRANK B. HUitT ALPHA GAMMA TAU To further the spirit and ideals of brother- During the year improvements were ef- hood, to strengthen their common interests, fected in the club room as the furniture to improve and develop their physical abil- was repaired and cleaned, the floor refin- ity, and to strive onward in all situations ished, and a piano, and-for the members have been the goals of Alpha Gamma Tau who sleep between classes-an electric since its organization in February, 1927. alarm-clock were purchased. Although its numerical membership was On January 31, the Bachelors presented lowered by graduation and the usual sum- the third in the annual series of fraternity mer dropping-out, the fall months found dances. Against a background, mathemat- the Bachelors off again to a year of enthu- ically-computed by Leatherman and featur- siastic activity. Elmer Evans again cap- ing the club colors, .blue and white, a large tained a hard-fighting touch football team crowd danced to the music of Lou Srarur and led it through a season marred by only and his orchestra who were playing their tWO defeats. The team , though handicapped second engagement on the campus for this by frequent injuries and adverse weather dance. The dance committee was headed conditions, made the best of every situation by Paul Myers, assisted by Lcarbermnn, \"'(1il- and finished second in the fraternity league. bur Kidd, and Addison Beane. The annual smoker, held early in the fall In winning the basketball championship, and "chairmaned" by \Xfi!!iam Leatherman, the Bachelor quint was defeated only once featured entertainment by a club orchestra in sixteen games, an unprecedented record and other Bachelor talent, and was climaxed in \~estern Maryland's intramural history. by the inevitable highlight of a good eve- Alpha Gamma Tau placed five men On the ning, refreshments! The cooperation, fine first and second all-star teams. Second place fellowship, and general good spirit of the ~as captured in volley ball, and the spring club brothers in planning and carrying out intramural schedule provided the usual this affair war strongly evident and richly quota of thrills and excitement. rewarded; for, after the Christmas holidays, The club loses fifteen seniors this year via the club was strengthened when twenty-one graduation: Bricker, Evans, Griffith, Kidd, "accepted" bids came back to the club. Leatherman, Myers, Powell, Ritchie, Shock- Among those who, after an initiation period under the thumbs of Preston and \o/alls, ley, Tarbutton, Thomas, and Townsend. were formally received within the brother- These men bow out for the present but hood were Price, Powell, J. Smith, \Xfilson, look forward to returning in subsequent Godwin, Kugler, Sklar, Coffman, Speir, years to see the Bachelors continue their Smyth, Hodgson, Thomas, Phillips, Carter forward march reward the best and highest and Reeser. in college life.
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