Page 81 - YB1942
P. 81
seemed an anachronism, and the sun quickly the fragile loveliness of the new season. The remedied nature's mistake; but, during the festivities presented as entertainment for brief snow-bound interlude, these pictures the queen and her court set a note of gayety were taken. for the next months. It was not fair to the May Court rnem- There is something in men and women, bcrs to pose in anything but a floral setting; especially in young men and women begin- but since that was impossible, we let them ning to realize the fullest reality of life, and create their own spring atmosphere. especially in this time, that reaches out to- The beauty of the entire concept of May ward beauty. In May Day, \Western Mary- D:lY always personifies spring, the return of beauty to the earth. The twelve attendants land seeks to combine the melody of a and the queen, emerging from a winter of pretty girl and the poetry of the most re- rubber boots and cravcnetred coats, spread freshing of nature's seasons into a lyric of the filmy billowing skirts and symbolize all happiness to live in our memories. First circle: Virginia Elzey, Doris Himler, Peggy Wilson, Anna Robey, Mary Frances Hawkins, Rebecca Larmore Margaret Ann Smith. Upper circle: Virginia ~~~;~oe~~h7te;:r':i~reau. Queen Edna Triesler, Mabel Greenwood:
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