Page 88 - YB1942
P. 88
OFFICERS cu RICfiA-RD BAKER ROBu:r PODLICt! Vice Chi NORMAN For ROBERT GELDER Gam 11111 ROBERT POULICH NORMAN Fov Beta MELBOURNE BINNS Cblll/lain JOSEPH WHITEFORD ROBERT MOORE Scrgc/illt-al-Arms VERNON WIESAND RICHARD BAKER Sponsor DR. THEODORE M. WHITFIELD GAMMA BET A CHI Back, back to college and fraternity came scrubbed, scraped and revarnished floor, but the Gamma Bets-all "hepped up and by the rejuvenation of the tall red drapes. ready to go." Brother Dick Baker had been The utility of the club room was materially elected president for the first semester, and increased by the purchase of a Spartan radio with his hand on the tiller we sailed to with an automatic record player, and the greater unity and fellowship. gift of a ping-pong table by Brother Mel- The first accomplishment of the year was bourne Binns. the sanding and varnishing of the club room Gamma Beta Chi's contribution to the floor. The Brothers worked in shifts with annual series of fraternity dances, held on the sanding machines and brushes for four February 28, was voted a success due to the nights, and when finished, they thrust out labor of the club members and the music of their chests and bragged about the beauti- Tommy Rodgers. At our annual banquet ful floor-arc still bragging. in May the fraternity expressed its appre- "Rush season" arrived. The Red and ciation to its leaders and bid the seniors the Blue smoker was particularly novel this traditional farewell, and plans were formu- year. \~e made recordings of freshman lated for the annual summer shore party. talent which, though slightly "corny" were This year's seniors will miss and be missed amusing. Brother \Whiteford showed his by Gamma Beta Chi. Seniors will miss the motion pictures of the campus and took "City" at II :45 P. M Bridge at 2 A. M. some of the smoker. · .. spaghetti at Aprils' riotous meetings \We issued bids with a prayer and were · .. our red fire engine ping-pong with gratified by nineteen pledges, who stood up \Viesand ... Elliott's boogie-woogie . . rec- to informal and formal initiation with true ords ... next on the paper ... the Red and "Gamma Bet enthusiasm." Brother Bob Blue. Podlich, as Chi, took over the helm for the Gamma Beta Chi will miss Baker's 10% second semester. Under his leadership the · .. Adams' prayers ... Fay's' minutes ... new Brothers lost no time in assuming the Podlich's bridge ... Marshall behind a news- duties and privileges of the fraternity. paper ... Binns' collecting dues. . Grenda's During the year the club room had its grumble au revoir and bon voyage, face lifted, not only by the fact of a seniors.
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