Page 83 - YB1942
P. 83
GIBSON PAN-HELLENIC COUNCIL INTER-SORORITY COUNCIL: Caroline Rudi- finds that, for the most part, its time is sill, June Lippy, Mabel Greenwood, Jean consumed deciding the manner in which Larnoreau, Gloria Salerno, Marie Steele, the member clubs shall conduct their rush- Joan Daniel, Mary Ann Hassenplug, Mary ing of prospective members, their bidding Jackson, Virginia Bell, and Georgie Milbey. and their initiation. Inter-Fraternity Coun- INTER - FRATERNITY COUNCIL: Royce cil also passes on the plans of each club for Gibson, John Doenges, David Brengle, \'Qil- its annual dance. liam Vincent, Richard Baker, Robert Pod- Climaxing their activities, the joint lich, Frank Tarbutton. \'Qilbur Kidd, Lee Council meets to plan the Pan-Hellenic Lodge, Thomas Arthur, Albert Jones, Paul Dance, presented this year on May 9. It is Brooks, Vernon \'Qiesand, and \'Qilliam Hall. in such undertakings as this that the spirit The Pan-Hellenic Council falls naturally of cooperation, fellowship and harmony is inco two co-working organizations, the most in evidence and most in action. Plans Inter-Sorority and Intcr-Frnrcrnicy Coun- are discussed and agreed upon; and bi-par- cils, whose aims are to promote cooperation tisan committees are appointed which, in and unity among the seven sororities and their respective clubs, urge the aid and sug- fraternities on the "Hill," and to function as agents for greater understanding and gestions of their sister and brother members agreement between the administration and so that, when the final preparations begin, the large portion of the student body that there are no longer seven different clubs but belong to the social clubs. one smooth-running organization intent Each body, composed of the presidents upon producing the last and most memor- and two underclass members of each club, able dance of the year. • • • •
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