Page 90 - YB1942
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OFFICERS Ail/hIS DAVIll BRENGLE Vice It/111M JACK QUYNN Bt'fll WILLIAM VINCENT Vice Bote LEE K1NDLEY GIJI/I'mll DON GRIF!'IN Del/a ZACHARIAH EBAUGH SlJollsor JOHN D. MAKOSKY PI ALPHA ALPHA Pi Alpha has been on the campus for nine- come into the brotherhood nine new mem- teen years. This year, under the energetic bers who were initiated under the whip of leadership of Alpha David Brengle, the club Brother Jones. The club room was redec- carried out, in a decisive and effective man- orated in early spring, and a new suite of ner, a three point program. furniture and :1 record player were added. First: athletically, the dub, thanks to in- Third: scholastically, the club upheld its creased participation, found its efforts bear- habitual high standard. Pi Alpha Alpha ing fruit. In football, sportsmanship and a went ahead to win the first leg of the new will to win made every game a hard fought scholarship cup put into competition since batrle; and after fierce competition in bas- it had retired the old one last year. ketball the Black and \XThites found them- As the year draws to a close, Pi Alpha selves tied for first place in the second Alpha sends to other shores Dave Brengle round. Under the "Hale America" pro- and his jalopy, Jigger Vincent and his band, gram the club had a near perfect represen- Lee Kindley and his propensity for reading, tation, was strong in volleyball, and took Zack Ebaugh and his carload from Reisters- first honors in handball. Black and \Xlhites town, Roger Saltzgaver and his long expe- were proud when Carlo Orrenzi became In- rience in athletic managing, and Don Grif- tercollegiate Boxing Champion in his weight fin and his flute. Vincent, Quynn, Kindley, class. and Ebaugh, senior military cadets who en- Second: socially, the club planned and ter army life immediately upon graduation, carried through :1. busy and successful cal- are headed perhaps for foreign shores. The endar of events. The Christmas dance, annual farewell banquet, leaving memories featuring Harr-y Marsh and his orchestra of good food, fun and fraternal fellowship, went off smoothly and successfully--evcn held special poignant significance. The sum- in finances-e-as evidence of hard work gone mation of this year's, as all years', continued before. The annual tea dance with the dcvelopment toward better club spirit club's sister sorority, Sigma Sigma Tau, was held in March in the club room. The club, manifested itself in the club motto, For after :1 pleasant smoker, was I13PPY to wel- True Manhood.
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