Page 139 - YB1942
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PHILIP HORATIO ADAMS CLARA McNEIL ARTHUR FEDERALSBURG 201 GLENMORE AVE. rBX ... balanced, quiet and easy- CI\TONSVILLE going, he mixes his studies with JGC .. finds rime for many ac- steadies, Boxer, senior ROTC with tivities. Quiet and friendly, a good dress par-ade neatness in mufti as classical student with a cheery well as pinks. smile for all. Always is sreidfasc and determined. THOMAS ELLIS ARTHUR DOROTHY CLAIRE ATTIX 201 GLENMORE AVE. KENTON, DEL. CIITONSVILLE lGC ,. "Fire Chief" £lrrA .' "Doc".. welcome addi- ... is a true wit with of McDaniel an answer tion to '42. Resides in the caverns for cvervrhing. Has been known to of McKinstry, set unbroken record be serious. Her nmbiuon is to be a for broken china and is famous as good teacher. a "planer" fiend. HARR Y WILSON BAKER JEAN BARBARA AYRES 314 WEST SECON() ST. WHITENIILL WAYNESBORO, PI\, .fGC . . ' a brown-eyed Home Al'T . four-year boxer, cn ptnin Ec. Student who really enjoyed his senior year. Lieutenant Colonel Management House. Has definite ROTC battalion. Friendly grin- ideas about clothes. A blonde. ning towhead. Varsity football. Happy-go-lucky, full of fun. Education student. RICHARD JONES BAKER EDNA MAY BANDORF 411S BELLE AVE., BALTIMORE 2430 MERWOOO LANE 1'I3X class leader, ,I "Who's Ul'f'ER DARBY, PII. Who'er." Caprnin of "C" Company. <[>:\...\1 . a small ch:trgc of dyna- Dick is the Dean's man. Possessor mite is this diminutive brunette. of a cow-lick. Destination ever A colorful personality with artistic Bhnche Ward Hall. abilities. Her heart lies in the heart of Penn. FLORENCE MARIE BARKER LUCIE LEIGH BARNES 4107 GROVELIIND AVE., BIILTO. 1800 N. CNi\lILES ST., BALTO. JGC. . with :I range of nick- names from Barker to Flossie, she t.~K ... an all-round college is noted for her infectious, mllsical stoogcnt. Her raccoon coat (what's giggle and :t carefree air, .. likes left of it) is :t winter tradition. hikes and naps. Tall, talky, versatile, popular, ad- mittedly nuts. ADDISON JOYNES BEANE FRANCIS EUGENE BELT REISTERSTO'IXIN GLYNDON A 1"1'. , . happy-go-lucky "Beanie," A 1'1' C:1I1 coax solid jump or the kid who grew up in college. Chopin from the sante keys. Tennis Senior ROTC and president of the captain. Gene's a sketch with a Economics Club. Personable, cocky, ready wit' who applies himself but, and full of fun. well, BRRRRROW. MABELYN W. BERTHOLF lR VIN EDWARD BIASI WESTMINSTER 333 MAPLE ST., FREELAND, PA. Mimi's a day-hop known and liked Varsity gridder of three years, All- by all for her cheerful, ceasing Maryland, Terror captain. Four- W:1)'S. Vicc-President of lGC ' year regular on basketball quint. a H01~e. ~~~~on~~~~ love a good Officer in ROTC. Reserved but with a twinkle. MELBOURNE PREECE BINNS ANDREW MICHAEL BOHLE .1107 TYNIlALE AVE., BALTO. ]j52 TOWSON AVE" BALTIMORE I'BX plays a hot trumpet, a Ar gonauc, IRe. . a varsity de- hep-cat and instigator of cheese and bater of experience ... porenrinl cracker bull sessions. ROTC band pedagogue. expert talker, first, officer. A date enthusiast and last, always; exercises his talents H d~nccr-jitterbug. Rainbow Inn.
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