Page 142 - YB1942
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VICTORIA ANN HURLEY ALICE VIRGINIA JOCKEl SEAFORD, DEL. 209 S. BANCROFT PKWY. IGC .. is fondly dubbed Vicki, WILMINGTON, DEL throws her heart and talent in dra- "''''1' . the newest fashions she matic art ... secretary of JGC .. :;ars'strikingly well engaglllg Frcnch club ... is friendly, de- smile .. tallness effects stateliness pendable, full of fun. .. seeks a career in teaching or library work. GRACE CLARK KELBAUGH NEWTON WILBUR KIDD HARMIINS }221 V!cJ("RS RD., BALTO. jGC. . a Home Ec. major xr-r. "Music is my world." Cap enviable curly hair. Loves to Kidd and his Buccaneers. Radio tell jokes and dance. Veritable "Rip announcer. Secretary of Bachelors. Van Winkle" who is always tardy Takes things as they come. Often for everything. in Blanche Ward. LEE MURRAY KINDLEY JEAN WILLIS LAMORE AU NEWMARKET 4 OVERBROOK ROAD nAA Runs the chemistry CATONSVILLE supply room and is a "whip" in 'j'A1\'I. Sorority president. Senior [ab. Owns an auto of unknown May Court Duchess. Sweet and vintage. Studies long and regu- winsome and possessed of little-girl larly. To Aberdeen for the U.S.A. charm. Aims for social work or own-home career. EDWIN FRANCIS LEWIS WILLIAM J. LEATHERMAN 841 SIXTH AVE., COROAPOLlS, PA. 6TIA. versatile and competent R.F.D. 5, HAGERSTOWN about the gridiron, the cinder road ArT.. here's an A-I electrician and in the ring. debonair, reck- who always is doctoring somcone's less Irish wit ... consistent caller radio. Ace decorator for the at McDaniel. Bachelors and Chemist's prexy. Busy but leisurely. WILLIAM McG LEISTER FRANCES VIRGINIA LEMKEY WESTMINSTER MILLERSVILLE Bill was a four-year mainstay on the rifle team. Equalled the record his JGC . a precise Home Ec'cr who brother Mike made. Day_student. likes cooking and hates sewing. Has a quiet, reserved, dilige(}[ Blonde and tall with an enthusiasm for tennis, and tailored clothes. Known as Fran. EM[LY KENT LINTON JUNE ELGIN LIPPY RIVERSIDE :S:!T .. Sorority prexy. W AA JGC one of W.M.C.'s repre- leader . a day-student who en- sentatives in the student Who's tered activities on the hill with :I Who. Makes the varsity in studies bang. Friendly, peppy, very Hke., and in sports. is dependable. Her able, humorous, a good sport. heart's in the army. CARO ADELE MASTEN CLARENCE LAWYER MARSH 10') CO"'MERCE ST. 22 E. THIRD ST., FREOERICK HIIRRINGTON, DEL Ask him anything. He will have !!'[' . poised beauty. read it somewhere. Has collected scientious, active in athletics, extra- a wealth of information that ex- curricular ncrivirics . steadying cuses him from study. Hails from influence Education and Library far away Sumatra. Science major. JANE ASTON MELLOR ALICE RAE MILLENDER WrLLls ST., WESTMINSTER SHILAH AVE., HAMPSTEA]) :S:::£T blonde, energetic day- Quiet Alice, from "over yonder student who loves a brisk canter, from the college," tempers her good food, and long drives by auto. clear-pale coloring with slow friend- Has an easy brisk manner and a ly smiles. Shows diligence, sincerity gayety about her. and calm.
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