Page 141 - YB1942
P. 141
ETHEL ELIZABETH ERB ELMER ELLSWORTH EVANS UNIONTOWN 223 VICTORIA ST, ]GC ... Quiet day-student who is MERCtIAN'TV[!.LE, N. ]. loads of fun when you know her. ArT . perennial manager of foot- Will reply to Skippy. An Educe- ball team. Economics and baseball tion student with a likeable giggle; major. Student who spends little a friendly smile. time with books. Royer's is his favorite haunt. RICHARD LEWIS FOWLER 56 BONO ST., WESTMINSTER NORMAN WARD FOY Sincere in his attitudes ... hobby- 6200 YORHSNIRE DR., BALTa. ist of note ... Bounces along to l'BX. . owns the rear hllf of a class ... Famous for "watch that Ford, A placrcr fiend, an avid bridge Huff." Knows his subjects and fun, and Captain of Co. D. "Foo" expresses opinions. keeps a grin and a ready quip up his sleeve, ELEANOR JANE FRALEY fOUItTH ST., O",KLAN[) HELEN REBECCA GAREY 6.~K .. "Ma" Fraley of McDaniel WESTMINSTER Hall. A gifted pianist, loyal ro the J1!K . sweet 'n neat 'n rrcs army. Tiny and neat as a pin, she petite. Shorty is In ardent Ddt. has been called "Scoop" since Gold In active day-hop with a trained Bug days. business mind undcr her blonde hair. Expert dancer. ROYCE DONALD GIBSON 37 PIERSON AVE. MABEL GREENWOOD N. TARRYTOWN, N. Y. PA. LANE, WYNCOTE, 606 JollA.. prexy of frat and Inter- Jo~K PARK , Blanche Ward house presi- frat. Football, basketball regular dent. Home Ec. major with a win- for his three years here, The Hoot ning smile. Ddt president. WSG. is liked for his calm, steady, leisurely For four years on the Mly Court. way, Lovely and poised. EMILIAN JOSEPH WAWSZKIEWICZ GRENDA DON EASON GRIFFIN SEVERNA PARK 29 BOXFOIt!) ST" LAWRENCE, MAss. rBX .. at home with foil and l1,\A ... President of the Sunday rapier. Excellent bridge player, . School and vice-president of the Le Cercle Francais. fuse slipping \'{fesleyans. A future minister and hair line. Is now one of Uncle l fine flutist. Don is a steady, Sam's selectees. responsible fellow. BENJAMIN A, GRIFFITH KENNETH WESLEY GROVE 238 E. PATTERSON ST. STEWARTSTOWN, PA. LANSFORD, PA. Benedict in freshman summer, now ALYJ' .• versatile, personable, smil- the established "first-father" of ing and mature. Ben is a ~etermined 1942. Genial and well-fed. Ken pre-med who retains ]I\S ear for is proud of his church, his home sizzling music. Trumpet player. and his family. Good dancer, ALFRED STRA YER HANCOCK ETHEL MAY HALE STOCKTON UPPERCO A math major with wavy blonde An affable grin, a dignified manner, hair. Has l perfect sense of humor l pleasant drawl. He's better and is ever ready to help a friend. known as Ash. A "whiz" at his_ Spends week-ends home, has interest tory. Retains his unruffable South- ern equanimity. in Navy. MABEL ISABELLE HARMAN ESTHER HENVIS ROUTE 7. WESTMINSTER MILLSUORO, DEL. A Home Ec. major who wears a JGC . tiny, blonde and friendly diamond on t.hat third finger left ... a Biology major with a con- hand. Day-hop with a real sense tagious giggle. Transferred from of humor and a reputation for a Amer. Univ. Is now an Argonaut friendly sincerity. of Western 'Maryland
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