Page 144 - YB1942
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ESTHER BROWN ROOP CAROLINE T. RUDISILL UNION BRIDGE R.F.D. 1, DOWNINGTOWN, PA. Has special talent for Education :£~T and Tri-Beta. inimitable and statistics. Ace with a catcher's laugh and sense of humor mit on the softball field. Has a Combination of blonde hair and winning smile and delightful sense brown hair. Sorority president. of humor. stylish Biology major. MARGARET ELIZABETH GLORIA ELINOR SALERNO RUDY 175 PLEASANT ST. OAKLAND WINTHROP, MASS. ::::~T "Rudy-cootie campus ,1,:\11'1 . sorority prexy and roomie cune .. Air of independence is to a soronty prexy. Attractive ofccn broken by an infectious bugh brunette, from "way lip No'th" .. attractive and neat appearance with a throaty voice ,lIld a placid, . Home Ec major. unruffiedmicn. RODGER W. SALTZGAVER DOROTHY LEE SCHWARTZ }SOO ELLAMONT RD., BALTO. WESTMINSTER !lAA known among friends as "Dnrdy" with curly hair and "Salty." A day-hop with a ready dimpling smile. Reserved and dig- smile for all. Is manager of varsity nified, calm and serene. Her pet basketball and assistant manager of specialties arc walking and reading. varsity football. English major. MARVIN WAYNE SEARS ROBERT ERNEST SHOCKLEY RD 2, Box 468, SHAMOKIN, PA. 221 N. COU_ECE AVE., S ...LISIIUlIY Marv, a son of Penna., is an ardent AI'T . Major of ROTC battalion. hiker. member of Wesleyans, Also majors in Economics and one College players-remember the Rus- redhead. Co.Capmin of soccer team, sian? keen sense of humor, secretary Officers' Club, son of reserved sometimes. Eastern She'. MIRIAM ANNE SHROYER MAR Y EVELYN STEVENSON POCOMOKE CITY WESTMINSTER ::::~T . reared in the ministry, ::::::::'1' typical Southern beauty plans to marry into the ministry. A dark, expressive eyes .. star- lovely serenity about her, and quiet tling laugh ... an appreciation of charm. A gentle voice and an fun is nutched by a keen inte1!i- gence .. Home Ec major. assured poise. ROBERT RANSOME STONE VIRGINIA E. SWEENEY ROUTE 1, UNION BRlnGE 30 N. GLENN AVL, ANNAPOLIS A three-year veteran on the WM Army, Navy, and French Club rifle tram. Once sang in the choir. booster, Ginnie's a vivacious bru- Active Tri-Bera , . diligent. One nette .. Oui! Singing and danc- of the all-afternoon billiard-playing ing-other interests. And a secret day-hops. ambition is [Q travel. FRANK ALDRED TARBUTTON WILLIAM CARY TAYLOR SU1)LERSVILI.E WILLARDS AI'1'. . popular president of Stu- His moniker-Bill, and his specialty dent Government, senior class, and is Biology. Spends his spare time Alpha Gamma Tau. Co-Captain of on the track field or in baffling the soccer team. Biology major. chess experts. EnthusiaSlic about Ever on-the-go. puzzles. EDWARD ROSCOE THOMAS KATHRYN BALL TIPTON 106 Wll.L1S ST., CAMIIlIlUGE JARRETTSVILLE :\ IT .. outstanding campus per- JGC ... Short, dark, and full of sonality with flaming hair and a life. Tips a tray with an artistic communicable grin. Spends much hand. . an ardent fan of radios of his time in the library hut not and horses. A Home Ec major of studying. Called Ed. the first order.
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