Page 138 - YB1942
P. 138
This section of the ALOHA we dedicate to ourselves because in years to come, this will be the section to which we shall turn most often. This is the section we shall scour for addresses each Christmas, each birthday and, increasingly, each wedding anniver- sary. Names and addresses of \Vestern Marylanders change; but, in more cases than not, even ten, fifteen years from now, at each of these spots on this gigantic globe, there will be someone interested in \'Vestcrn Maryland and \Vestcrn Marylanders; as we shall always be. In particular, this is the senior's section, for here we record their faces and little things we want to carry away about each one. Remember too those members of 1942 who, for various reasons, do not appear: Paul Aleyunas, Lawrence Lee Brown, George Marshall, Cameron Ocloske, Gaylon Ross, James Thomas, \Vcsley Sheffield. These arc statistics.
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