Page 110 - YB1942
P. 110
GOLD BUG Out of the confusion of crumpled yellow scratch paper, scattered rulers loitering under miscellaneous copies of student news- papers of other colleges, streaked ink wells (three-quarters empty), and numerous paste jars (usually overturned) was brought forth, throughout the year, \"'estern Mary- land's bi-weekly Gold Bug-the result of the work of two temperamental typewrit- ers, one operating on red ribbon only, and the combined talents of Editor Rehert and Managing Editor Levin. Innovations in the edirorial policy re- sulted in the publication of more student creative writing than had been customary in previous years (including poetry, essays, familiar and otherwise, and featurized news stories), adoption of a new style of type STAFF and modernized make-up. Through the Editor-in-Cbie] ISAAC B. REIĀ·IEII.T medium of its editorial columns, the Gold AlaI/aging Editor ALVIN H. LEVIN Bug attempted to focus student-faculty News Editors JOHN RAWI.lNS, MAfW MILLER attention on the pursuit of scholarship for Peetsre Editor ELEANOR HEALY scholarship's sake, rather than for the sake Sports Editors JOHN ROBINSON, .JOE WORKMAN of the usual quarterly attempted avoidance Copy Editor CAROLYN SCHMIDT of D's. Proof Editor MARY TURNLEY Following an annual custom, the Gold Sf
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