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been forthcoming, but the spirit of loyally to With the coming of the second semester, the fraternity and courage toward the game Bill Dennis became secretary and Bill Banks have been there. The members of all the continued as treasurer, and the president's teams have aimed worthily toward true sports- gavel was surrendered to Brother Holljes who mansbip as well as triumph in the score. inaugurated his policy of furtherance of the Of the seniors, "Whack" Wiley, "Dead- fraternal spirit among all the fraternities on eye" Dennis, "Wee Willie" Parks, and the. Hill. The faculty bas been given a sincere "Prack" Weant are the club bridge enthusi- invitation to participate actively in the Pan asts. Brother Banks carries music in his Hellenic movement which it had already clarinet and enters a timely weekly reminder heartily endorsed. of the club's financial status in his tactful It is the fondest desire of the graduating but fiery manner. Neil Eckenrode sets a members of Gamma Beta Chi that they may pace and often tallies on the, athletic front, see fraternities become Jess of segregated and Henry Holljes represents the club on the groups and more of an integrated whole gridiron. Frank Day strives in the classroom standing for student effort, betterment and to win the scholarship award. enjoyment. UplJerl"/I: Eckenrode, !?ay, Parks, Adam., Hollj ... , Bank., Denni., Weant, Wiley, Dudley. Upp
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