Page 101 - YB1941
P. 101
they were assuming their full share of the The Bachelors' dance on february 15 was duties and privileges of Bachelor member- a great success, both financially and otherwise. ship, contributing both Lime and effort to the Lou Stant and his Eastern She' Players pro- betterment of the club. vided excellent music for the record crowd The ghost that had haunted the club for that graced the Aoor. Blanche Ward gym was years was finally laid to rest when the mem- beautifully decorated in harmony with the bers decided to discard the old radio and Valentine's Day theme. The committee in record player and purchase a new radio-turn- charge of arrangements included Tom Elias, table combination. Henry Trieslcr, Wilbur Kidd, William Lea- As the sports season advanced, Bachelor therman, and William Hauff. teams made names for themselves in various The club will lose much that is valuable in fields. Although the track meet was the only this year's senior class, but it is consoled by "first" captured, the basketball, volleyball, the knowledge that those men go forth better and softball teams were all hot contenders for prepared to live a more abundant and a more top honors. useful life. 97
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