Page 94 - YB1941
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the Black and Whites, took over the reins and embarked on a calendar of events that was destined to mark 1941 as a banner year in the annals of Pi Alpha Alpha. In mid-November the fraternity held its annual smoker for freshmen-with ref resh- meuts, entertainment in the form of movies, and free smokes for all. Later in the same month, another annual affair, the tea dance with our sister sorority, Sigma Sigma Tau, was held in the club room. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Holloway, Sponsor John Makosky, Dean Bertha Adkins, Sponsor Smith, and Dean Forrest Free were guests of honor. Christmas vacation-bids and pledges. In- formal initiation-then formal induction into Pi Alpha Alpha, and eighteen new enthusiastic members were a credit to the fraternity. Climaxing the first semester, Pi Alpha The Black and Whiles Alpha held its annual fraternity dance fea- turing the rhythms of Harry March, a new- Officers comer to the Hill who is rapidly gaining pop- Alpha LOUIS ELLIOTT ularity. The dance was successful in every Vice Alpha WILLIAM VINCENT respect-s-a feather in the caps or the Black Gamma DON CRlff'IN Vice Gamma LEE KINDLEY and Whites. Continuing its previous scholastic achieve- Bela DAVID BRENGLE ments, the club permanently retired the Inter- Vice Bela JOSEPH ROUSE Fraternity Scholarship Cup donated by Pro- Pi Alpha Alpha, the first fraternal group to fessors Frank Hurt and Theodore Whitfield. be recognized on the "Hill," celebrated its This cup was offered each semester to the fra- eighteenth birthday with a year of record ternity maintaining the highest scholastic aver- achievement. The year's officers, headed by age throughout the semester, and was to be- Alpha Lou ELliot and ably advised by Sponsor come the permanent property or the first club John Makosky, himself a charter member of to win it five times. Pi Alpha Alpha clinched 90
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