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Studies and social activities occupied the pinochle and Tommy Dorsey proceeded to Preachers as the annual smoker was presented keep the men busy until spring vacation. all November 11 in the club room. "Black As one glances over the members of this Rubinoff" and his violin highlighted the pro- fraternity, it will be noted that they are 1I0t gram which included moving pictures of of one personality. Each member is an in- varsity football contests. dividual and it is with genuine regrer that As winter began to show its true colors and the members of Delta Pi Alpha who are to the Christmas vacation approached, the Fra- remain on the "HiU," say farewell to their ternity began to vote on its pledges. A wel- senior brothers: Ted Bowen, Bob Faw, Don come break in the balloting was afforded when Honeman, Harpel' Le Compte, Bill Robinson, Delta Pi Alpba presented its annual dance on Jack Ryan, John Tomlinson, Leigh Venzke, December 19. Featuring Dick Feeser's Club Don Wildley, and Earl Darsoh. These men Royal Orchestra, the affair was both socially enter their new life with the spirit of Delta and financially a success. Pi Alpha with them. May the loyally, sports- Bids were sent out; and the Christmas re- mauship, fraternalism, and sense of Jail' play cess was spent in speculation over the new they have displayed in college form the basis members. Then, on their return to the "Hili," of enduring ties with those they leave behind. the pledges were welcomed; and the first semester ended with Bosley Baugher and Joe Workman putting the pledges through a rigor. FAW, RYAN nus informal initiation. Basketball was in full force while the win- tery winds blew, and the Preachers swept the fraternity league with six straight victories only to lose the college championship to a superior Seminary five by a 25 to 17 score. A new record player was added for the benefit of the fraternity's musically minded and a rearrangement of the rurniture under the direction of Epsilon Smith did much to brighten the winter months. Tests, volleyball, 93
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