Page 103 - YB1941
P. 103
The local T. K. A. chapter was granted a charter late in the spring of 1935 under the leadership of Dr. George S. Wills. Senior members of the fraternity included Willard Everett and Sidney Mansh. Paul Cummins, Andrew Bohle, Edward Thomas, and Paul Alelyunas were initiated into the organization early in the year, and upon them rests the responsibility of continuing the fine traditions and practices that are the Western Maryland Chapter of T. K. A. Mansh. Alelyunas, Cumin", Baker, Everett. whose scholastic average is "B" or above. Associate members are elected at the begin- ning of the junior year of college. CI.un Laude-S umma Cum Laude The year 194-0-41 bas been one of out- Officers standing achievement for the Argonauts. The President WILLARD EVERETT initial meeting, held at the home of Miss Ad- V ice-President RUTH MANSBEUCER die Belle Robb, featured a vigorous address Secretary .T EANETTE BRANNOCK on American foreign policy by Dr. George S. Treasurer BENJAi\lIN ALLNUTT Wills. A lea in honor of freshmen and sopho- mores attaining a semester average of "B" To promote sound scholarship on the highlighted the Argonaut winter schedule. In "Hili," to recognize those who auaiu high March, club members attended the Johns Hop- scholastic standing, and to provide opportu- kins Supper Club in Baltimore and beard a nities for fellowship among the scholars of lecture on the F. B. 1. The concluding meet- various departments-these are the purposes ing of the year was the May banquet, featur- of "The Argonauts," honor society of Western ing President Tolley of Allegany College. At Maryland College. Under the leadership of this time, those students who were being grad- Dr. Lloyd Bertholf, the organization was uated ClUn laude or summa cum. Lande were founded in 19.35; and since that time, it has admitted into fellowship in the society with an grown to play an important part in campus impressive ceremony. activities. The work of the organization is The f aculty sponsors of the honor society carried on by associate members - students are Dr. William Hidington and Miss Addie who are candidates for graduation honors or Belle Hobb. /o";r.' raw: Youngor. Itkh. Sweeney, Maddox. S
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