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however, only proved to be an incentive that carried the club through one of its greatest years on the HilL At the sign of the Mugs Elmer Evans and his touch football squad Officers opened the athletic year for the Bachelors. Alpha THOMAS LEWIS The team was both powerful and fast, demon- Vice-Alpha ELIAS THOMAS strating its prowess in many a hard fought Gamma HENRY TIUESLEH battle. Its defeats were never routs, and it Tau WILLlM.I HAUFF gained second place in spite of an apparent Chaplain EDWARD THOMAS lack of weight. Three of the more outstand- Sergeant-at-Arms EUfER EVANS ing players were given berths on the AII- Although Alpha Gamma Tau lost but five Fraternity team. members through the process of graduation The first social event in which the dub was last year, a far greater numerical loss was concerned was the Alpha Gamma Tau smoker, sustained by the undergraduates, whose ranks held early in November. A huge turnout com- were smaller by seven men at the beginning pletely filled the clubroom, but no one missed of the new term. This seeming handicap, out on any of the refreshments or the interest- ing entertainment. The fine fellowship and general esprit of the club as seen and recog- nized by the many guests presaged a highly successful bidding season. A: the end of last year, Alpha Gamma Tau extended the hand of welcome to twenty new members: Messrs. Harden, O'Keefe, Kerber, Bean, Duncan, Hall, Powell, Mansberger, Preston, Johnson, Buttner, Phillips, Cook, Han-is, Hauff', Irwin, Rowe, Tsourprake, Nace, and Kittner. After the regular period of initiation, most of these men were formally inaugurated into the fraternity brotherhood as full-fledged members. It was not long before 96
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