Page 93 - YB1941
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all in one day. Mournful black lopped off which came in the midst of a small blizzard. with a red, red bow, and "bottomed off" Election or officers Cot' the next year was witb Iong black hose! But the ordeal came serious business, the seniors deciding who was and went. best suited for leadership in the organization With the performance of the formal rites which had come to mean so much to them. of initiation, the new members had their first Then the trip to Baltimore-dinner in a pri- contact with the real J. G. c.; they became vate hotel dining room, with the juniors spec· aware of the organization's deeper meaning- ulating as to who next year's president would and forever certain that 1. G. C. does not be. The announcement was made-congrat- stand for Junior Girls' Club. ulations! The excited group then went to The first formal social affair was held in Ford's to live with the actors of the evening. December-a movie-dinner party in West. Others in the lobby gave us the "female semi- minster. And the Carroll Theatre should have nary on an outing" stare; but we went bliss- been flooded when Nelson Eddy was killed fully on, enjoying each minute up to and within the view of thirty sympathetic females including the plutocratic entrance into the whose eyes were indeed damp. We strag- dorm after 1 A. M. gled out to the tune or "Wasn't itWOJ{clerful?" New officers took over ... graduation came At our Christmas party, we showered gifts nearer-farewell to the seniors and the reali- on the club room instead of on each other. zation that J. G. C. has made an outstanding We actually managed not to receive a half- contribution to OUI' lire at W. M. C. dozen table scarfs and no tables as had been fearfully anticipated. Our club room was the main undertaking of the year. Many of the girls took up painting-e-nct in the artistic sense, but in the utilitarian manner. Pale blue walls, white ceiling, mahogany (color, you understand) floor. We were all ready for the task of acquiring some furniture to put within-one chair simply would not hold thirty-one people! The great venture of buy- ing furniture, and dubonnet studio couch was ours. And with sofas, hassocks, pi llows, and knick-knacks, the club room seemed really OUI·S. Completing so much labor naturally called for a celebration-a spring tea dance 89
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