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STAFF Editorial Board Eduor-in-Chie] HENRY THIES LEn Associate Editor RUTH MANSBEHCElt Managing Editor ISAAC REHEHT News Editor THEL!'.lA BOWEN Assistant News Editor ALVIN LEVIN Feaiuce Editor LUCIE LEIGH SAnNES Sports Editor WILLlAi\I ROBINSON Business Staff - Business Manager EOWAHO'VEANT Advertising Manager WEHNER OI{RISON Circulation Manager WILL'Al\1 VINCENT Assistant Adoenising Manager SETTY CORMANY Assistant Circulation Manager THORNTON WOOD Besides the change in the publication The world is our parish schedule, other important changes served to The Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A., estab- make this year's Cold Bug unique, Numer- lished the spirit that the Student Christian ous variations of the streamlined make-up initiated last year, an artistic change of the .Association has carried on since its founding two yea rs ago. name-plate, the omission of column rules from the second (feature) page, and variations in Weekly devotional meetings have been con- the position of"the masthead, altered not only tinued this year with such prominent speak- the appearance of the paper hut in increasing ers as Dr. Sherwood Eddy and Dr. Harold which the S. C. A. New ventures Bosley. its attractiveness improved its readability. promulgated were the successful inauguration The Cold Bug sponsored the second annual of a Big Brother Movement among the men Sadie Hawkins dance this year; and also served as host to the second meeting of the Mason-Dixon Editors' Conference, of which it is a charter member. Student sentiment on campus issues and problems was effectively crystallized by the Cold Bug in the Parade of Opinion; and the use of the paper as an organ of expression of campus beliefs was evidenced by the increase in the number of letters to the editor. The CoLd Bug in an effort to better serve student interests took a vigorous stand in several im- portant controversies. It supported a pro- posal concerning the appointment by the in- cumbent staff's of the editors and business managers of the ALOHA, and later in the year it threw its weight in favor of the institution of an honor system. 68
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