Page 70 - YB1941
P. 70
At first the da.ys were years and now the years are days The ALOHA is essentially more than a rec- ord of one school year-it combines the spirit, the ideals, and the traditions not only of Western Maryland College but of the class of the remainder of the book carefully organ- ized. Despite numerous obstacles, order grad- ually emerged from chaos, layouts were completed, cuts and copy finished; and finally the book was ready to be printed. We have endeavored to utilize every opportunity to create a different yearbook both in design and in content. We are proud of our efforts; we believe we have created a Western Maryland annual which personifies the spirit of a free college campus. The staff, therefore, feels a measure of sat- isfaction, of pleasure, in offering an ALOHA Sealed: Mlln.berger, Rob;nson, Anthony, Allnutt, SnOOgrBIIII,narn".. BlaMing: Pollitt, cseee. Kalar. Dygert, 1941 as well. WiLhin these covel'S are the administrators who guided us, the instructors who taught us, and the fellow students who worked with us. This is the record of our teams, our activities, our organizations-a record which will recall memories of pleas- urable days spent on the "Hill." t~:r:;,/~r.~~::'k:.d, Man.h, Doenget<, 'j''''tt, Slandi"~: Baden, Bowen, Hast;ngs, In this year when our way of life is chal- lenged on all sides, the staff chose as the basic theme of the 1941 ALOHA the reassertion of their confidence in the ultimate triumph of the ideals by which America lives. With this foundation upon which to work, a staff was organized, informal and formal pictures were planned and taken; biographies written; and
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