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0/ all men's schemes-his ways Self-government, self-discipline, and means self-respect The Economics Club, organized only last The Student Government combines the en- year, is now the youngest of any club on the thusiasm of youth, the will to achieve, diplo- campus; but it is one that contributes definite- macy, and cooperation in developing qualities ly to the intellectual life on the "Hill." It of leadership and good citizenship. Organized aims to foster and to preserve an interest in to direct student conduct in all phases of Economics and it furnishes an admirable op- college life, and composed of separate boards portunity through an organization for form- 11'01' men a!ld women; its governing bodies ing a closer relationship between those inter- [consist of student representatives. ested in Economics. It has as its controlling The women's government endeavored to purpose the study of contemporary economic develop personal, mo~al, and cultural dignity problems with a view to dispelling common economic fallacies that exist in regard to these problems. The Club well accomplishes its aims in a program of bi-monthly meetings at which some topic of current economic interest is covered by moving pictures, oral reports by members, lectures by outside speakers or informal group discussions.
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