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in everyday living; and climaxed the year's activities with the annual May Day cele- bration. This year, the men's council continued the dining hall seating lists, attempted to insti- tute an honor system, and strengthened rela- tionships between the faculty and student body. Following the course 0/ human events ... Diplomacy, intrigues, crises. . War!- in Europe, Asia, Africa. Against this pane- rurna of foreign relations, the International Relations Club has, this ycar, studied the drama, pathos, and tragedies of an interna- tionalism which has become a cancerous scourge. Dr. Joseph Thorning, Mount Sr. Mary's nro/ row: "Bobbitt, Mansh, McKee, Douty. Allnutt., Daden (PresidenL). Bad,TOw: Graybeal. Dulaney, Brown,Bounds, Robinson, Ch""e. College, only recently returned from China, and Dr. William Weite of Blue Ridge College addressed the club on the far Eastern situa- tion. Later, in a study of Europe, Dr. Theo- dore Whitfield and Dr. Edwin Schempp discussed the background, historical and students to produce better pictures in greater economic, of World War II. quantity. Its members believe that there are From the darkness and horror of modem incidents from life on the Hill worth pre- warfare on three continents, the J. R. C. serving as photographs; and that the lectures, turned its attention to the Americas where discussions, and practice which have been a still a semblance of peace remains. A movie part of the club programs will enable them of conditions in Latin America forcibly and to take more uniform and better composed dramatically made the club members proud pictures of these. to be Americans. In addition to its regular programs, the club sponsored a cross-country hike in Jan- Came/ltl Club uary, exhibited the Sixth Interscholastic Salon of National Snapshot Winners in March, and made contributions of pictures of student life Bent on illustrating memories . for lise in the ALOHA. The spring activities of the group included During its fourth year of activity the another hike and a reviewing and comparing Camera Club continued its campaign to help of photographs taken by the members. 73
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