Page 71 - YB1941
P. 71
Copy, newsprint and ink-order out 0/ chaos Breaking all precedents in Western Mary- land College newspaper policy, the student controlled Gold Bug, this year, save for oc- casional exceptions, appeared as a weekly paper. Increased advertising, higher sub- scription rates, and careful budgeting were the foremost Factors in the success of this venture. (Editor). Ma"-,ber~e" W. Robinson. Standing- Healey, K"t~, Sweeney, Miller, Wolfshelmer, J. O,';.on, Wo<>d, Thrush, B,annock, Weant, Vincent, Cormany. which they believe will be of permanent value -an annual that will be cherished by the class of 1941. STAFF Editor-in-Chie/ C. WILLIAM ANTHONY Managing Editor BENJAMIN W. AT_LNUTT ·Editorial Board Associates: WILLIAM ROBINSON RUTH MANSBEIlGER LUCIE LEIGH BARNES JAMES SNODGRASS Assistants: RIDGELY POLLITT HARRIETT DYGEIn NELDA KALAIl ANNETTE HUTCHINS LINDSA Y CHASE Business Manager SmNEY Z. MANSH Business Board ]EROi\IE DIENEfl ELLENE EDMOND JOHN DOENGES EILEEN TROTT Assistants: WILLIAl'.I DENNIS THELI\IA BOWEN CLYDE BADEN HARPER LECOMPTE ALICE VOLLMER LEIGH VENZKE WILLIAM BANKS SHIRLEY REESE 67
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