Page 67 - YB1941
P. 67
TIIHTZING THE KIIlITZER A COURSE IS CHARTF.:D 1'HE "HELLO SPIRIT" '['HE rms-r- ROUNO-UI' With the new year came the fraternity ini- of W. M. C, and that, in our minds, was the uations, and we women beheld our class thing that cou.nted. heroes in all sorts of rakish garbs and in We are glad we were privileged to know many ridiculous situations. [L was all part the members of the class of '41. The greatest of the game, however, and we came through tribute we could pay to them is to have them it with banners Aying, looking forward more know that we will always remember them and anxiously than ever to OUI' second year on the be rooting for them as they find their places "Hill." The end of our Freshman period outside. The respect and admiration we have came more quickly than we expected, and as for the juniors and sophomores we shall con- we closed this chapter in our college life we tinue to show them when September rolls could only ask ourselves where it had all gone. around again. Good luck, '41, our best wishes Nevertheless, we had become an integral part go with you. 63
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