Page 28 - YB1941
P. 28
From class theory into an uncharted sea. Officers President THOMAS LEWIS V ice-President THOMAS ELIAS Secretary ALICE VOLLl\lER Treasurer ARNOLD FLEAGLE Historian RUTH MANSBERGER Sergeant-at-A rms l-IENHY HOLLJES elation and dismay of orientation week. Memories return quickly-our first lmpres- sions of our new school, new rooms, new roommates and friends. We remember the disturbing arrival of the sophomores and the passing of the nervous "rat weeks." The first bonfire, the first dance, the first pep meeting and game strangely seem like yesterday; yet we know that four autumns, winters, and Top roW: Lewi •. Elia •• Vollmer. Bollom ro,e: Fleagle. Ma,,"b-erger. lIollj .. _ breath-taking springs have since flown mime- Here in our hands lie diplomas. ulously by. Three summers have slipped Our importance, our learning, our vision away, each taking its toll among our class- is suddenly dwarfed by the magnificence of mates and sending us back less numerous but the chance we have had to be, and see, and more united. learn. Pictures of the days behind us swim Then we were sophomores. As we settled before our eyes in the tears that wen up to into our groove, responsibility and cOllfi~ence shatter our poise. walked with us hand in hand. The legal radio Once we were freshmen. \'Ve thought was an innovation we helped to engineer; the wrongly that we had forgotten that alternate clubs were 11 new and vital part of our ached- 24
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