Page 13 - YB1941
P. 13
and uniled... , ,1917 tf£N1FEST destiny, trusts ... Teddy Roosevelt-then rumblings from the Old World and a challenge to America ..• Make the world safe for dernoc~ racy, she l~beled her crusade. Ideals of liberty ami freedom strengthened the determination of her sons to keep America sa/e. The crisis ended-America had reached her maturitv ; she tvas a Ulld.,IL'ood_Slrallon PhGl.~ nation of the lvorld ... She could WOODROW WIl,SON DELIVERS WAR MESSAGE APRIL 2, 1917 become a leader oJ the new 'world 1929 order, but- PAST NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE OCTOBER 24, 1929 CROWDS MOVE -she 'withdrew 'within herselj. .By 1930 she had idle manpo'wer, idle capital, and idle machines. She was still the richest country in the tvorld; one in every five of her citizens owned a car or truck ... She had first class artists decorating public buildings ... She had intolerance, bigotry, and sectionalism to a limited degree ... Still her sons and daugluers believed the American dream, They still believed the philoSOlJhy oj the men IvltO set up the American commonscealth. - in decency alnong nations as there roas Inen. But they became absorbed in their economic security ... they dill not hear the roaring i.n EurOIJe •••
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