Page 17 - YB1941
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. . • has grown lip with the nation, she she safeguards the free exercise of reli- 'Who uas founded upon the principle of gious conscience. WESTERN MARY- democratic education for all ••. She has LAND COLLEGE stands as a democratic passed through the same crises in her state in action. She is not-democracy existence. She has withstood the same itself is not-perfect; but she recognizes tests of her rights, her privileges, her her weaknesses, her powers, and with obligations. Today, she stands as the sincerity, strives to improve. living symbol of the American way of We present life on the WESTERN life. She, the prorul Alma Mater of MARYLAND COLLEGE campns as an thousands, allows her students the illustration of the methods of our privilege oj self-government; she pro· American life, of our hOIJeS, our desires, tects the right oj free speech. She and our achievements; and we believe insists on freedom of action lvhich must in: so doing, that we shall strengthen our stop short of the realm of license. She convictions and: our appreciauon. of the offers opportunity for epirisuai growth; 'Wayoj democral:y-the way oj America.
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