Page 12 - YB1941
P. 12
'doUR score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a neui nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men ure created equal ... " America hod quarreled ... She had put to the test her ideals oj freedom, and the pauern. of rmity of purpose and universal liberty had been reborn ... America had met this test ... 1829 UHE voice 0/ tlie West called and Andrew Jackson fought to keel} America democratic, from becoming a plutocratic republic oj prieilege jor the powerjul ... And Andrew Jackson tvon. America progressed; and then she Ivent into the depression of 1837 ... she heard the first rumblings of dissension-sectional. ism emerged. America drowned herself in selfishness, and unity fuded into the distance. LINCOLN S1'A1'UE, LINCOLN MEMOiUAL
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