Page 11 - YB1941
P. 11
() UT of Pldladetplua came 'he cor- nerstone of the American republie-e-a bulsoark: against suppression oj the popular 1vill, a demonstration oj free- drnn: from tyranny. "Life, liberty, and the pursult 0/ ha/~piness"-noble ideals of charily, oj [riendship, America laid her foundations, sound and good; yet there were so many obstacles ahead ... 1789 #MERICA eetablistied tlce axioms of her free society - "Equal rights to all, special to none," Thomas Jefferson called tliem; She fwd to fight another war, a uar 1,0 'Wi.", her maritime rights ..• America gained her r;,ght to be a member oj the council of nutione -she 'wasa nation. . . .
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