Page 14 - YB1941
P. 14
JHE end of a reooiutionary decade approaehed-c-the way ojlije in America again stood endangered. War had again broken out in Europe - that continent injested tvith the vermin oj class struggle--and the world shuddered at the spectacle oj modern mechanized uarjare. Slowly at first, then stronger came the voice oj America. Through 165 years it came, bringing tvith it assurances oj confidence, jaith, courage, and humility. Democratic men and tvomen lijted their heads. And as the netv decade opened, America accepted her responsibility. She prepared jor any test, realistically and unajraid, in the democratic tvay ... 11) THROUGH FOUR YlCARS ... V UR lives as college men and women have been strangely interwoven tvith events national and international. And as toe prepare to leave, we recall those years oj upheaval drum .• of war were faint; Britain!~,~! and world revolution. JHE the League oj Nation.'f was striving to preseroe that peace. In the United States, the Supreme Court was the "nine old men"; television became a scientific success. The Panay sank in Chinese 'waters, but America closed the year with the Big Apple. SUPREME COURT BUILDING HI'rLER MARCHES INTO CZECIIOSLOVAK~rmnmmi New. I 1938 8IVGROSSED in our own isolated problems oj security and labor, we paid little attention to Europe's rapidly ex- panding 'war machines. Then: "A navy second to none in the world, for tension throughout the world is high." With Munich came a lull, but the rumbling» from Europe grew louder •••
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