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INTERNATIONAL FRENCH CLUB RELATIONS CLUB Hundreds of chapters of vital history have On the third Monday of each month, been written during this year, and the 1.R.c. students with a common interest in French has tried to. understand each chapter as it meet. in Mcfjaniels Hall Lounge to take has been written. Gradually, it has drawn part In the programs of Le Cercle Francais. more members, instituted new ideas and The club endeavors to present a varied activities to do justice to the vital objectives program with both student and outside of the club. participants, and to promote greater fluency With the ever-willing guidance of its advisor in the conversational French of students. and the cooperation of the committees the The Christmas program, marked by the ~lub had opportunity to hear Father Thorn- effectiveness of its simplicity, has become a 109 of ,Mt. St. Mary's, Max von Schelegell tradition on the Hill. Lovely French carols of Baltimore, Mr. Housman of Westminster sung by student soloists with a chorus tell in Miss Mac Vean of the College, and man y music the Christmas story which is read in others who added valuable impressions to French from the Sainte Bible. the club members' minds' by speeches and Later in the year, a program dealing with answers to questions. the outstanding provinces was presented. It ]0 th~ first semester, after attendance by was especially successful because of the pic- provincial one ~f Its members to the Middle Atlantic turesque An elaboration costumes which were worn. was of this program Meeting of International Relations Clubs given by Le Cercle Francais as one of the th~ club started an even more vigorous cam~ palgn for new members and new ideas. Every weekly college broadcasts. second and fourth Monday in the month Le Cercle was fortunate this year in having armed with ?ooks~ reports, speeches, news~ as guest speaker, Dr. R. E. Falls of the Uni- papers, and discussion, I.R.C. studied history versity of Maryland. Having heard him the 10 the making. preceding year, it was a great pleasure to have him return to the campus. Speaking on "La Guerre et la Literature", Dr. Falls presented a timely and interesting discussion. Aside from the regular meetings, there were other club activities. In January, Le Cercle was instrumental in bringing to Westminster an outstanding motion picture, La Grande Illusion. The collaboration of French Clubs of neighboring colleges initiated last year at Western Maryland took place this spring at Hood College. Our part of the program consisted of an attractive play. This com- bined meeting climaxed a successful year's activity of Le Cercle Francais.
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