Page 75 - YB1940
P. 75
ART CLUB CAMERA CLUB The Art Club was organized in 1936 by a PRESlDEN'1 Helen Newman VICE-PRESIDENT Eleanor Wheeler small group of art students interested in SEClt£TARY Lucie Leigh Barnes creating artistic appreciation among the TREASURER Yvonne Earle students of Western Maryland. This year, FACULTY ADVISOR Dean Forrest Free as the last of its charter members leave the The aim of the Camera Club is to encourage Hill, the club looks back to see just what has those students interested in photography been accomplished. along the lines of taking better pictures, , In '36 the Art Club had twelve members; of developing negatives, and of making prints. today it has twenty-two young people, most In its third year, it has advanced in three of whom intend to continue in the field of art definite ways with the help of experienced after graduation. In '36 the first fashion members and a well-equipped "dark room". show was sponsored and presented in Me- The club programs were varied. In Janu- Daniel Lounge. By this year the show had ary, Dean Free led a cross-country hike during become a tradition and was so popular which interesting pictures were taken. Experi- that it was presented in Alumni Hall. Student mentation with indoor picture work came models wore the clothes which were furnished the following month. In March, with the by a Baltimore dress shop. It proved an astronomy class, the members learned to attraction for the male student body as well make slides from pictures taken of the stars. as the fairer sex. The Fifth Annual Interscholastic Display of The club's activities began in the fall with National Snapshot Winners was sponsored a very informal Hallowe'en party in the by the club in the latter part of April. Art Lab. Activities were concluded in May with a A little later in the year the members display of scrap books compiled by the went to see the Carroll County art exhibit members. The pictures of individuals and which was held during National Art week. college life, taken during the year, Several exhibitions were presented by the presented to the Aloha staff for use. club. One was the Shinen display of Japanese prints which first appeared on the Hill in '36. Dr. W. L. Nathan, one of the new instruc- tors in the enlarged art department, led a round table discussion on the importance of modern art compared with that of the past. The question was discussed pro and con. Several other speakers were also presented to the campus. Occasional Iy the Art Clu b met in the lab and sketched with the mem- bers posing as models. As its final event of the year, the club went to Washington where they visited several art museums. Firs/ row: Trwn, Garey, ~a"lsbl1ry, Helm, Perry, Hobbltt, Hrown, Garroson, Wieders"m. Nico- dc~,,,s, H"dson, SchulJ.ert, Mrs. Shipley, Eaclc, Seorr, Price, Heard, Nirzd, EVan.,.
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